A short selection of some of your most frequently asked questions.
Answered simply by us.

How do you drink non-alcoholic spirits?

You can drink non-alcoholic spirits however you like. That’s the best part. But if you’re looking for some guidance, or maybe even a little bit of inspiration, check out our Recipes section. There, our flavourists share a handful of their favourite Glen Dochus mocktail recipes. Give them a try. And be sure to let us know how you get on.

Is Glen Dochus Halal?

Glen Dochus is Halal, yes. In fact, it’s entirely Halal compliant. What’s more, Glen Dochus is also low in calories and free from gluten – as well as vegan. So it’s readily enjoyable for anyone and everyone.

How can I buy Glen Dochus?

We’re proud to have Glen Dochus available in select stores across the UK. To find out where, head to our Stockists page. Alternatively, you can also get your hands on a bottle of Glen Dochus online – at Amazon